Sensual light massage

We offer a wide catalog of services, what are you waiting for to try them, come and visit our erotic massage center in Madrid.

The sensual light massage is an intimate and relaxing experience that focusses on stimulating the senses and awakening your sensuality. Unlike a conventional therapeutic massage, this therapy combines a set of gentle yet firm movements to awaken the body’s sensual and pleasurable senses.
The main aim is to provide you with a session of complete relaxation and stimulation.
During the massage, the therapist will use different techniques such as caressing, rubbing, and applying pressure to awaken and stimulate the erogenous points of the body using special oils to intensify the sensory experience.
The sensual light massage is based on the idea that the human body is a temple for human senses and pleasures. There is a belief that by stimulating the senses and awakening our body’s sensuality, a deep state of relaxation and well-being is achieved.
This sensual therapy begins with a relaxation ritual to relieve any tension and release any blocked energy. The therapist will begin the sensitive massage by caressing your entire body from the legs, buttocks, back, shoulders and neck, applying essential oils to help with the gliding movements of their hands. The caressing is gentle, slow, and deliberate. Each specific movement is designed to awaken your senses. You will feel the incomparable pleasure of the therapist's hands gliding all over your body.
As the massage progresses, the therapist will introduce different sensual stimulation techniques, gradually focusing on the erogenous zones. These include body to body techniques and interactive tantra poses before reaching the end of the massage.

Throughout the therapy, you will be free to express all of your senses and emotions.
Communication between you and your therapist is essential to ensure that you have a pleasurable and satisfying experience.
The sensual light massage is an experience which aims to connect the body and mind through sensory stimulation and deep relaxation. It is a technique that focusses on well-being and the respectful and delicate exploration of sensuality. If you want to experience new senses and enjoy a moment of total relaxation, the sensual light massage is the perfect option for you. Indulge in this treat for your senses and discover the real potential of your own pleasure!

Who can have this massage?

Both men and women without exception, regardless of sexual orientation.

What does this massage include?

It includes a relaxing massage.
Sensual massage
Guided interactive tantra poses at the end.
Lingam massage for men, Yoni massage for women, without there being any

What can I expect from a sensual light massage?

A sensual massage is a unique and pleasurable experience that seeks to awaken your senses and respectfully build emotional connections in a comfort. Each person will find a different meaning from this type of massage, but the most important thing is to allow yourself to enjoy it and explore the sensations your body is feeling.